
About The Project

The types of mental health and the journeys that have been taken are as varied as the people who are affected by them.

The aim of this ongoing project is to raise awareness for the different types of mental health issues, the variety of individuals affected by them and to present a positive message of hope and support. By sharing inspirational stories and personal experiences from people all over the country I hope this project will support the message that you are not alone and there is help out there. Mental health issues can affect people of all ages, races, religions and from all social backgrounds and situations. It’s ok to not be ok!

The portraits of everyone involved in this project are the real them, unedited and genuine. The lighting is simple and consistent across all the images and, other than a bit of creative black and white editing, they haven’t been retouched in any way. The aim is to produce a series of photographs that capture the real personalities of all the individuals involved. I hope when people see these images they know it is still ok to laugh, to smile, to cry and to not be defined by their mental health.

My own mental health journey began in my early twenties when I was diagnosed with clinical depression. I originally decided to take up photography as a creative outlet and an alternative way of managing my mental health, and I immediately fell in love with it. It honestly taught me to see the world differently and to find the beauty and humanity in life around me. 

Photography has had such a positive impact on my life and has given me so many amazing opportunities through which I have met some incredible people and made fantastic friends. None of this would have happened had it not been for my depression.

A while ago this got me thinking about how I could use photography in a way to help others with mental health problems. And this is where the project idea began. Through this project I have met some amazing people and spending time in their company and listening to them share their experiences has had such a positive impact on me.

I hope hearing their stories of positivity will be the inspiration to start the first chapter in yours.


I really want take the time to say a huge THANK YOU to all my friends, family and the amazing individuals who have agreed to share their stories with me for all their support to make this project happen.

I also really want to give a massive shout out to both James (videographer) and Rebecca (make up artist) for all the time and dedication they have given to the project. They have been an integral part of this project and have helped make it what is. Thank you both. 

Alex Benyon


James Jenkinson

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